look lavishing in beautiful lace hanfu dress

Look Lavishing in Beautiful Lace Hanfu Dress

When thinking about a hanfu, delicate light fabrics often come to mind. This is because we are so used to this traditional Chinese clothing being in those fabrics, but changing times in the fashion world are altering that. Now it is possible to find your favorite dress in an unusual fabric like lace. Isn’t it just wonderful that you can actually wear a hanfu in the beautiful lace fabric you love?

look lavishing in beautiful lace hanfu dress

The fabric is sophisticated and elegant and easily takes the beauty of any outfit to higher levels. The delicate fabric is made of thread and yarn in an open pattern like that of a web and can be handmade or machine-made. The beauty of this fabric is that it never goes out of style and can be dressed down or up without losing its appeal. Lace can be elastic or not; nylon and spandex are added to give it elasticity. Lace hanfu dresses are not purely lace; the fabric is mostly used as a beautiful addition to other fabrics.

Lace Pros

The appeal is top of this list, especially the embroidered one that is nothing short of fabulous and chic. Lace oozes romance, and you will see this in the lace hanfu you settle for. The other good points about this fabric are it is breathable and beautiful. This is thanks to the rich, vibrant colors and pleasant texture. The threads are durable, so you enjoy your dress for a long time. Versatility and festivity are the other amazing features accompanying the fabric.

Lace Cons

In as much as lace is stunning, it is important to note a few things about it that are not so pleasant. The fabric is fragile hence requiring careful handling, especially with the washing. The best would be to dry clean your dress and dry it horizontally to maintain its integrity. The fabric is also pricey, especially when if it is handmade. Therefore, when shopping for a lace hanfu, you ought to be ready to part with a little more than you would with other fabrics like plain polyester. It is also transparent as a result of the open pattern. This should, however, allow you to get a lace hanfu because most have lining resolving the issue.

Now that you know a little about lace, it is time to go ahead and find that hanfu to grace that occasion. Below are some of the top designs you can consider.

1. White Lace Hanfu

look lavishing in beautiful lace hanfu dress

The whiteness and lacy overlay maxi skirt give this hanfu a bridal look. It is a dress you can wear to those religious ceremonies, including christening or even baptisms. The hanfu has a pure and holy look that’s humbling in a way. The hanfu jacket is embroidered beautifully, and the layered appearance of the skirt, together with the lace, is breathtaking. The thickness and sturdiness of the material give it stunning elegance that will make you happy and peaceful. A great choice but only for special occasions.

2. Princess Gradient Pink Hanfu

look lavishing in beautiful lace hanfu dress

We are not sure what is most stunning in the hanfu because everything is super gorgeous. From the beautiful pink colors to the teardrop patterns on the bottom part of the skirt, the elegant flower lace sleeves to the elegance of the drape, it is a striking unique hanfu. The dress is the kind that says look at me without screaming. It is soft but bold at the same time, a combination you will love adding to your wardrobe. You need not overdress it with large accessories; a little will go a long way with this lace hanfu dress.

3. Modern Girl Hanfu

look lavishing in beautiful lace hanfu dress

The Chinese Hanfu improved design gives the dress superior elegance. The lace is mainly on the jacket in beautiful apricot color and cute lace pattern. The skirt is pleated softly, giving it a flow that works for the design. The simplicity of this dress makes it ideal for most settings; you should be fine with dressing for that casual or formal function when you have this in your closet. All you will need to do is choose the appropriate accessories to achieve the appropriate look.

4. Women’s Summer Hanfu

look lavishing in beautiful lace hanfu dress

Have you been looking for the perfect hanfu for Holy Communion or any other religious function calling for purity of the soul? Then this is the dress you should consider. It is white with beautiful embroidery lace elements, which give it a cute edginess. The soft blue and pink floral touches add to the beauty of this Chinese style waist princess dress. It is sturdy but not cumbersome, so do not worry about your comfort levels throughout the day. But, of course, you cannot wear and not take photos; it is too elegant not to capture.

5. Retro Daxiushan Hanfu

look lavishing in beautiful lace hanfu dress

The unique daxiushan hanfu combines cotton, polyester, and lace. It is a one-piece dress ideal for beautiful sunny days; you will feel like going for a romantic date when wearing this dress. The lace details are on the shoulders and are also designed as extensions on the front sides and back sides as well. The rest of the fabric has flower prints in a cool beige color. Add a few simple accessories and comfortable shoes, and you will be ready to float through the day.

Lace hanfu care tips

As you already know, lace is a delicate fabric, even with all its elegance. When you buy your laced hanfu, remember the following tips to keep it in top shape for a long time.

  • Use moderate temperatures when washing to avoid shrinkage
  • Ignore the lace part when ironing. If you must, place it on a towel with a plain cloth before pressing it with an iron. Gradually raise temperature to medium
  • Hang the dress horizontally or flat, especially if it is heavy, to avoid stretching
  • Dry clean your hanfu whenever possible. Delicate care settings are ideal
  • Dry-cleaning is the most preferred option since lace fabric requires delicate care. The best way is to check the care label before washing
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