simple womens plus size hanfu dresses

5 Simple Women’s Plus Size Hanfu Dresses

Traditional Chinese dress, like the hanfu, has loose designs compared to Western clothing styles. The oversized design reflects character freedom, especially when worn as a costume. However, the oversized design may not be practical for normal activities and settings like the office; hence, working hanfu options are available.

simple womens plus size hanfu dresses

So why most hanfu are plus sizes?

In ancient Chinese culture connection between man and heaven was very important; it was expected that a manā€™s mind should be broad like the ocean and sky. The influence of this manifested itself in the looser patterns of the costumes, and not just for the robes, but the sleeves widened as well. Plus size is dignified and elegant, especially when exercising Li, which translates to etiquette. It was, therefore, proper to wear the plus size to important cultural occasions and even family rituals.

When it comes to power and status, traditionally, the longer and larger the garment, the higher the status of the wearer. This was not only for the Chinese but also in Western history for king gowns and dresses for the queen. The large sizes made it possible to achieve appropriate designs for the different ranks in the Chinese official system.

The large-size designs were also designed to accommodate large pockets for the then bigger sized daily items like folding fans, keys, and notebooks, among others. The pockets would be sewn into the design, sometimes even on the chest area.

The modern design plus size hanfu

Today, the ancient plus-size hanfu design is still there. But the designs are becoming more fitting, some even tight fitting with pants and belts to achieve the desired looks. The big sleeves remain, although the fabrics are lighter than traditional ones and are not as cumbersome as they used to be.

Body size comes to mind when discussing plus size in the modern world. But, of course, not everyone is as skinny as the models showing off stunning dresses. And who says chubby, curvy women canā€™t adorn traditional clothing? So, to ensure every type of body is included, plus-size hanfu designs have become popular.

So, whether you are looking for a cultural plus size hanfu or one to fit your plus-sized body, you will find a beautiful dress that appeals. Never shy away from a dress simply because you donā€™t feel like you could pull off the look. Almost all the hanfu designs available today come in different sizes, some even in 6xl. So, be proud and confident in the person you are; rock that hanfu!

1. Quju Princess Hanfu

simple womens plus size hanfu dresses

The floral patterns on the overcoat are remarkable, and the shiny blue edges have a way of making them settle. The white borders of this dress match the delicate white skirt creating a beautiful piece suitable for all different settings. The Chinese Folk Dance costume brings all the attention to your torso, so it will work amazingly well if this is where you would like most attention to be. It is definitely worth its price.

2. Unisex Couple Hanfu

simple womens plus size hanfu dresses

The popular crane embroidery is spectacular on the cross collar, inner shirt, and coat. The shirt is red, whereas the skirt and coat are black. These two colors always work when used together, and the white embroidery makes them stand out even more. You can wear matching outfits with your significant other, considering it is a unisex set, without your body size is an issue. The hanfu is very traditional; you will love it if thatā€™s your path.

3. Traditional Wuxia Hanfu

simple womens plus size hanfu dresses

You get a somber mood looking at this hanfu. There is something sweet but dark about the black and red gradient. It is like looking at a ray of hope shimmering on a dark night. The blooming flowers send a message of new beginnings. It might be a very good choice for those trying to pull out situations that are not as pleasant.

4. Daxiushan Hanfu

simple womens plus size hanfu dresses

This hanfu is the perfect definition of modern traditional. It has a striking navy dress, a white inner blouse, and a daxiushan jacket in the same color. The dragon and pagoda patterns take the outfit back to Chinese culture beautifully. The overall look opens your eyes to a better tomorrow; it is indeed the light you might need. The skirt is designed to wrap around your body, giving you that appropriate fit. It makes the perfect choice for all kinds of occasions, including weddings, outings, and other casual or religious events. It is unisex in very reasonable sizes, so size should not be your excuse if you like it.

5. Summer Casual Hanfu

simple womens plus size hanfu dresses

The peach blossoms on the light blue color hanfu dress will make you feel like you are blooming. It gives a cheerful, happy vibe; it is the perfect dress for those days you feel excited and jubilant even for no reason. The purple flows over the white pleasantly and spreads joy all around you. The drawstring shirt offers convenience and comfort. It is, without a doubt, a dress that will make you and those around you joyous. This unique color makes it a must-have, especially for summer.

Get your own plus size hanfu

The different hanfu sizes now allow you to wear your favorite hanfu without limitations. When buying, however, even if it mentions the size, always take the extra step of finding out exactly what sizes it comes in. Usually, the sellers will include that information in the details. But, if not, making inquiries about the same is important.

You should not let a great hanfu pass you simply because you are not sure it will fit you. The sellers are ever so willing to help with sizing. At times all you need to do is share your measurements, and they will tell you what hanfu size is appropriate for you. So love yourself, be confident, and the rest will fall into place.

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