Shanghai Haipai Cheongsam Cultural Festival Kicks Off

Shanghai Haipai Cheongsam Cultural Festival Kicks Off

The Shanghai Haipai Cheongsam Cultural Festival, now in its tenth year, has become a platform for promoting the “elegant, healthy, confident, and tasteful” lifestyle embodied by the Haipai cheongsam. The cheongsam, a traditional Chinese dress, is not merely a garment but a crystallization of art and culture. On June 6th, the festival, themed “Forging Ahead […]

Zhang Tian'ai's Enchanting Photoshoot in a Chinese Cheongsam

Zhang Tian’ai’s Enchanting Photoshoot in a Chinese Cheongsam

Zhang Tian’ai, a stunning beauty born in 1990, has recently graced the GQ event in a captivating black, modern Chinese-style long dress. The enchanting blend of ancient charm and contemporary elegance exuded an irresistible allure that left everyone in awe. Since her debut, Zhang Tian’ai has won the hearts of countless fans with her exceptional […]

Actresses in Republican-Era Student Attire

Actresses in Republican-Era Student Attire

The dream of youth, accompanied by a blue garment. During the Republic of China era, the simplicity and elegance of the blue student uniform became the embodiment of a pure and innocent time in the minds of a generation. In film and television works that recreate that tumultuous period, many actresses have captured a unique […]

Exploring the Beauty of Republican Era Makeup

Exploring the Beauty of Republican Era Makeup

The image of women from the Republican era of China (1912-1949) is indelibly etched in our minds: soft, curled hair, enchanting eyes adorned with willow-shaped brows, and full, red lips. This distinctive “Republican style” has been a constant source of inspiration for fashion media and trendsetters alike. The delicate arched eyebrows, almond-shaped eyes, flawless skin, […]

The Evolution of Women's Fashion in the Republic of China Era:

The Evolution of Women’s Fashion in the Republic of China Era:

During the Republic of China era (1912-1949), women’s fashion underwent a significant transformation, reflecting the changing social and cultural landscape of the time. The influence of Western ideas and fashion trends, particularly in metropolitan cities like Shanghai, led to a surge in innovative and diverse clothing styles for women. The qipao, also known as cheongsam, […]

90s Art Guardian Preserves Chinese Qipao Culture

90s Art Guardian Preserves Chinese Qipao Culture

In the heart of Shanghai’s Yuyuan Street, a company named Shanghai Huamanqin Cultural Creativity Co., Ltd. has become inextricably linked with the iconic Chinese traditional dress, the qipao. The founder, Li Qiang, has focused her attention on the intricate pankou (frog buttons) that adorn these elegant garments. By combining the intangible cultural heritage of Shanghai-style […]

Female Celebrities Showcase the Traditional Chinese Attire 1

Female Celebrities Showcase the Traditional Chinese Attire

In recent times, the entertainment industry has witnessed a resurgence of interest in traditional Chinese clothing, particularly the Tang Dynasty-inspired attire known as “Tangsuits.” Female celebrities such as Yang Zi, Tan Songyun, and Tian Xiwei have captivated audiences with their stunning interpretations of this classic style. As we delve into the intricacies of their looks, […]

Discovering a Different Chinese Style in Modern Cheongsam

Discovering a Different Chinese Style in Modern Cheongsam

In recent years, modern cheongsam has taken the fashion world by storm with its unique charm, creating a Chinese style trend. This perfect blend of traditional and modern elements not only showcases the grace and elegance of Eastern women but also highlights the combination of fashion and individuality. Today, let’s explore the allure of modern […]

New Fashion, Yang Mi's Neo-Traditional Cheongsam Style

New Fashion, Yang Mi’s Neo-Traditional Cheongsam Style

In recent times, Yang Mi’s neo-traditional cheongsam styles have captivated fashion enthusiasts, showcasing a perfect blend of grace, elegance, and the unique beauty of Eastern women. As a global brand ambassador, Yang Mi was invited to attend the LOEWE fashion show in Paris, where she donned a yellow embroidered cheongsam and posed for a photoshoot […]

When Chinese Cheongsam Meets Book Club

When Chinese Cheongsam Meets Book Club

In a rustic village academy, surrounded by thousands of books, a group of women gather, each dressed in an elegant cheongsam. With a cup of tea in hand and a good book to share, they sit amidst the fragrance of flowers and the aroma of tea, engaging in a delightful exchange of ideas. Their graceful […]

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