2024 Red Celebrity Festival in the Ancient Town of Hengdian

2024 Red Celebrity Festival in the Ancient Town of Hengdian

The highly anticipated 2024 Red Celebrity Festival recently concluded in the quaint and charming ancient town of Hengdian World Studios, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended. This spectacular event brought together hundreds of fashion influencers and enthusiasts from across the country, showcasing their unique styles and talents within the historic walls of the […]

China's Bank - A Nostalgic Republican-era Journey

China’s Bank – A Nostalgic Republican-era Journey

In the heart of a bustling city, the Minyuan Branch of the Postal Savings Bank of China in Tianjin stands as a beacon of nostalgia, offering a unique blend of financial services and cultural heritage. This distinctive branch, with its charming Republican-era ambiance, has become a shining example of how the concept of “finance + […]

Hengyang Qipao Cultural Association Hosts Fashion Week

Hengyang Qipao Cultural Association Hosts Fashion Week

On the morning of May 16, under the clear skies and gentle breeze at the square outside Nanhu Park, the Hengyang Qipao Cultural Association held a spectacular flash mob event as part of the 2024 “Hengzhou Fashion Week” intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and national trend showcase. With the theme “Qipao’s Elegance Gathers Beauties in Yancheng,” […]

Zhang Linghe's Bold Fashion Statement at Paris Fashion Week

Zhang Linghe’s Bold Fashion Statement at Paris Fashion Week

Rising star Zhang Linghe, a breakout sensation from the hit show “Let’s Start Reasoning 101,” has once again taken the fashion world by storm with his latest announcement. In a bold declaration on Weibo, Zhang revealed his plans to attend the upcoming Paris Fashion Week, confidently stating, “With me at Paris Fashion Week, expect the […]

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