Handsome Siblings

18 Popular Wuxia Cdrama List in 2022

Chinese plays are quite interesting and do not take up a lot of time. In the television entertainment sector, Chinese wuxia dramas have had a huge effect. Chinese drama is accessible in a variety of genres, including historical fiction, period rom-com, politics, and family drama, among others. Several of these programs combine genres to create […]

wuxia cdrama hanfu

The Best 5 Historical Chinese Dramas

Learning history through Chinese dramas is the best way to spend some free time. By watching historical Chinese dramas, you can learn enough about China’s traditions, culture, and history to be considered safely knowledgeable. Because people today are more aware of traditional Chinese culture, historical plays have become more popular. Their costumes and different stories […]

Chinese Wuxia Dramas

What Needs to Know When Watching Chinese Wuxia Dramas

Wuxia is a type of popular Chinese fiction. It tells the stories of people who do martial arts in China. It takes place mostly between the Tang (AD 618) and middle Ching ( AD 1800) dynasties. The characters of Wuxia are known for their impressive strength. What is Wuxia Culture? A subgenre called wuxia is […]

wuxia cosplay ancient chinese cdramas hanfu blog

Cosplay Costume for Ancient Chinese Dramas

Fawning over the costumes is the finest part of watching historical shows.  Hardly anything makes me happier than seeing pics from an imminent period drama with lovely costumes and intricate needlework on the figures. Numerous people value costumes in ancient plays since they see individuals clothed in a variety of outfits in current dramas: at-home […]

wuxia cdrama hanfu

10 Best Wuxia Cdrama for New Audiences

Wuxia is a Chinese novel set in Jiang Hu that translates to “Martial Heroes.” Lakes and rivers are referred to as Jiang Hu. Superman and Batman are regarded as martial heroes in the west, whereas wuxia plays are set in ancient China in Chinese drama land. Wuxia plays feature Jiang hu contests, martial arts, and […]

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