Chinese Wuxia Dramas

What Needs to Know When Watching Chinese Wuxia Dramas

Wuxia is a type of popular Chinese fiction. It tells the stories of people who do martial arts in China. It takes place mostly between the Tang (AD 618) and middle Ching ( AD 1800) dynasties. The characters of Wuxia are known for their impressive strength.

What is Wuxia Culture?

A subgenre called wuxia is an ancient Chinese genre found in literature, the performing arts, dramas, and movies. The meaning of “Wu” is martial arts and the meaning of “Xia” is heroism. People who speak Chinese enjoy a wide range of works in this genre all over the world. Most of the twentieth century saw China’s government ban wuxia novels because they were bad for morals and made people believe in things they didn’t know were true. It wasn’t until 1978 that wuxia’s revival in China was able to really take off in the country. Since then, Hong Kong and Taiwan have been the main places where people learn about wuxia.

In the early twentieth century, the stories of wuxia were first brought to Vietnam. These wuxia stories went through a lot of changes during the two Indochina Wars and even after that. In wuxia stories, heroes are pitted against one another because of conflicting standards of honor.

Chinese Wuxia Dramas

Epic tales have persisted for centuries because of the inclusion of elements such as love, poetry, and tragedy. Although Wuxia has been around for centuries, it has kept up with the changing methods of storytelling. Once upon a time, wuxia legends were passed down orally; today, they’re the subject of blockbuster films and dramas. In the 1960s, wuxia-inspired dramas were popular in the West and were known for their grand cinematic shots and action sequences that mixed sword fighting with other forms of martial arts.

Wuxia in Historical Chinese Dramas

If you’ve ever seen a Wuxia or Xianxias drama, you know that the scenario is fairly similar to a typical Chinese historical drama, but there are certain features that distinguish these two genres. Wuxia dramas feature some aspects of ancient Chinese daily life, although they are mostly concerned with mysteries and adventures. Wuxia, which means Martial Heroes in Chinese, is set in Jiang Hu, a fictional province in China. Lakes and rivers are what the name “Jiang Hu” refers to. Wuxia dramas are based in ancient China, although in the West superheroes like Superman and Spiderman can be considered martial heroes.

Jiang hu, martial arts, swordsmanship, and the characters must all know some kind of martial arts in order to compete in Wuxia dramas. Even though Wuxia dramas, as well as Xianxias, have episodes between 40 and 80, this shouldn’t discourage you from watching them. However, modern Wuxia movies and dramas are just as popular as those from the past century or so. This is a great genre to attempt if you like suspense, action, and adventure. Politics and romance can be found in several Wuxia Dramas.

Chinese Wuxia Dramas

Special Things Included in Wuxia C-Dramas

When there are no martial arts, it is not a Wuxia drama at all. The Wushu and the Kungfu both are two other words for martial arts. This is how it works, in addition to martial arts, this type of Chinese theatre has gained much importance. There are also cultivators in Wuxia dramas, but martial arts cultivators are very different from immortals in Xianxia dramas. A lot of hard work and dedication must be done over years in order to learn how to use internal energy. The strength and endurance grow, so does one’s internal energy.

Difference between Wuxia and Xianxias Drama

Xianxia novels tend to be about angels or other supernatural creatures, while Wuxia novels tend to be about people and their problems. It’s true that martial arts is a real thing. If you learn it, you can use it for self-defense and defeat a lot of people. The abilities of xianxia are completely made up (no one can shoot fire balls at other people). Wuxia is about people and their quest for martial arts mastery, while xianxia is about people who grow into immortals.

Chinese Wuxia Dramas

List of Latest Popular Wuxia Chinese Dramas

1. Nirvana In Fire

This 54-episode drama named Nirvana In Fire is based on the narrative of a clever strategist. The clever strategist aids an exposed prince in his bid to become the next ruler of the kingdom. The costumes of the cast in this drama are so elegant and beautiful.

The script is well-written, and the storyline moves along at a good clip as new details about the characters and the plot emerge. Nirvana in Fire is a breath of fresh air compared to most other shows, which tend to get boring in the first few episodes before picking up steam around episode 15 or so.

2. Word of Honor

It is a 36-episode drama. The starring cast of this is Zhang Zhehan and Simon Gong. It tells the story of Zhou Zishu. The story revolves around the former head of an organization that protects royalty. Later he gets caught up in a conspiracy of martial arts.

The people in Jianghu gets surprised to see the Wen Kexing. He is an unknown martial artist who has fled the ghost valley to get back at his parents for killing him and his sister. They become great friends and set off on an adventure to find a legendary treasure, which will give its owner control over the whole of Jiangsu. The clothes of the actors and actresses are so attractive and the color of their costumes are so adorable.

3. Ancient Detective

This mystery wuxia drama is not much interesting to me personally. The plot of Ancient Detective is not very eye-catching. But the actors of this mystery wuxia drama do a good job with it. There are a few twists and turns, and there are also a few cliffhangers in each episode of this mystery wuxia drama.

The male and female lead of this mystery wuxia drama has a lot of fun together. The second male lead also does a good job. The character of the second male lead is so funny.

4. The King’s Woman

Do you like stories that contain betrayal, vengeance, love, and war? All these things you can find in this great wuxia drama named The King’s Woman. The costumes of the female actresses are so adorable and attractive. The color schemes of their dresses are awesome.

The story revolves around the granddaughter of military commander. Her name is Gongsun Li. She is the heart of the story. When anarchy breaks out in her house, she has no choice but to flee, so she does. A very old friend and fellow follow her when she leaves for the last time today. Because they are close, they fall in love. Gongsun Li goes into the palace and gets married to Ying Zheng so that he can get better treatment after he gets hurt one day. As the book goes on, Gongsun Li has to fight for her place in a harem and the respect of her peers.

Chinese Wuxia Dramas

Hanfu Clothing in Wuxia Chinese Dramas

People wear Wuxia clothing, which is a type of fantasy martial arts clothing. In immortal wuxia books, this type of clothing is called “xianxia.” Wuxia clothes are usually made for movies and costume dramas, which is why there are so many different styles.

Wuxia clothing is basically based on the traditional Chinese Hanfu Version, which is loose-fitting and worn from left to right. It isn’t exactly the same, but it looks a lot like China’s hanfu. Because there is not a lot of rigorous textual research and historical clothing, designers can make their own clothes.

Nowadays, due to the famous wuxia cosplay and C-dramas, people are getting inspired by the clothing of the actors and actresses in wuxia dramas. Many characters of wuxia cosplay and C-dramas are wearing wuxia hanfu dresses that are attractive and colorful.

If you are also inspired by the dresses of wuxia cosplays and C-dramas and you want to buy those dresses, you can buy them from a great online store named “ NewHanfu”.

List of Popular Wuxia Clothing

1. Cotton Rose

Cotton Rose hanfu

This ruqun hanfu is in the retro wuxia style for women. The design features adorable cotton rose flower embroidery and is available in green or pink. It is created from light silk and chiffon fabric. This dress is extremely lightweight and breathable.

Review: This product is awesome. The fabric of this product is so soft.

2. Crane Tower

What Needs to Know When Watching Chinese Wuxia Dramas 1

These Wuxia-style couple outfits are adorable. Taking inspiration from the renowned Yellow Crane Tower in China, the design was created. It is made up of soft chiffon fabric.

Review: This wuxia-style outfit is so adorable.

3. Bamboo Poet

Bamboo Poet male hanfu dress

In this three-piece set, the design is very casual. It has a retro bamboo pattern and is made of light chiffon fabric. It’s very comfortable to wear all the time.

Review: It is very comfortable to wear. The design and color of this outfit are attractive.


Today, martial arts are more popular than they used to be, and some people work in the same field. Due to the interest in martial arts, Wuxia dramas and films are also becoming popular. Wuxia clothing shows the general public that China has a different culture than the rest of the world. It also tells them about the martial arts world. I hope that you get enough knowledge related to Wuxia clothing and dramas.

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