Hanfu Blog

stunning hanfu styles for prom and party

5 Stunning Hanfu Styles for Prom and Party

The prom is one of the most important events in young people’s lives. It is when everyone wants to shine and even be crowned the best dressed. And what other better way to attend that prom than in an ethnic hanfu dress? With modernizations, hanfu has become very popular and stylish, and you can easily […]

wuxia hanfu ancient chinese art and trend

Wuxia Hanfu, Ancient Chinese Art and Trend

Martial arts clothing is what is known as wuxia hanfu. This type of hanfu was held in high esteem and was popular as an ancient drama costume and martial arts novel. In the last decade, wuxia cosplay has become very popular across the globe. As a result of the growing likes, increased numbers of people […]

how to choose warm hanfu capes cloaks

How to Choose Warm Hanfu Capes & Cloaks

Most Chinese hanfu clothing seems suitable for summer and spring. But does this mean you cannot rock your favorite traditional wear because of the weather? What do you need during winter and fall? The good news is that you can still find very good hanfu outfits suitable even for the colder seasons. You can wear […]

modern hanfu t-shirts to keep you stylish

5 Modern Hanfu T-shirts to Keep You Stylish

The hanfu has become greatly modernized to match the fast-paced fashion world. As a result of modernization, you will now find more people wearing traditional Chinese dress, including young people. Fashion and style are what the young look for most when shopping for clothing. If you are young at heart or a fashion enthusiast, you […]

understanding ruqun hanfu style before buying

Understanding Ruqun Hanfu Style Before Buying

The hanfu ruqun is made up of a short top and a long dress. The top or jacket is referred to as Ru, whereas the skirt or long dress is called qun. Ru is also a synonym for other items like the Shan and Ao. It can have short or long sleeves. Ruqun broadly covers […]

4 simple hairstyle to match your hanfu

4 Simple Hairstyle to Match Your Hanfu

The Chinese hanfu comes in different styles and designs. They can be bold and daring or simple and elegant. The fabric, patterns, prints, and embroidery can determine how sophisticated or simple it is. In hanfu, simple does not translate to boring; it might mean the fabric is not that expensive, or that the patterns are […]

4 typical chinese hanfu blouse collar

4 Typical Chinese Hanfu Blouse Collar

Hanfu blouses are convenient, especially for people who want a mix of vintage and modern. They work very well with modern fashion because they are trendy, and mixing them up with hanfu skirts or pants or other types of clothing makes it easy for the wearer to achieve a formal or casual look as desired. […]

the symbolism of chinese dragon hanfu pattern

The Symbolism of Chinese Dragon Hanfu Pattern

In Chinese culture, dragons are associated with strength, good luck, and power. They represent authority and power in controlling floods, rainfall, water, and typhoons. It was assumed that emperors descended from dragons, hence why it is most popular in the twelve zodiac signs. The popularity of the dragon has remained to date, with most people […]

the common 4 types of traditional hanfu tops

The Common 4 Types of Traditional Hanfu Tops

Hanfu tops and robes are usually defined by the construction of their body. Therefore, the body will define what type of hanfu they are. They may differ in features, but they all seem to always have a seam down their middle back. This means that the tops consist of left and right fabric stitched together […]

stand out in chic han element clothing

Stand Out in Chic Han Element Clothing

The traditional Chinese clothing Hanfu appeared 5000 years ago, and its standards were established in the Han dynasty. The Han Fu then officially became the basic clothing style for the Chinese and developed rapidly, influencing the culture immensely. There are different Chinese dynasties, and each prides a rich, memorable culture. The Han period is, however, […]

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