A Guide to Wearing Qipao Dress as A Wedding Guest

A Guide to Wearing Qipao Dress as A Wedding Guest

The Chinese Qipao, with its timeless elegance and rich cultural heritage, has become a symbol of grace and sophistication. As wedding season approaches, the question arises: Can I wear a Qipao as a wedding guest? In this comprehensive guide, we explore the nuances of donning a Qipao for a wedding celebration, discussing whether it has to be red, providing insights on choosing a wedding Cheongsam and delving into the intricacies of Chinese wedding attire.

1. Can I Wear a Qipao as a Wedding Guest?

Wearing a Qipao as a wedding guest can be a beautiful and culturally rich choice, especially if you appreciate the elegance and significance of this traditional Chinese garment. It’s essential to approach the decision with cultural sensitivity, understanding the symbolism behind the Qipao and ensuring that it aligns with the couple’s cultural preferences and the overall theme of the wedding.

Wedding Dress Code

Check the wedding invitation or inquire about the dress code before deciding to wear a Qipao. Some weddings may have specific dress codes, and understanding them helps you choose an outfit that harmonizes with the occasion.

Consider the formality of the wedding when choosing a Qipao. Opt for a style that suits the venue and the overall atmosphere of the event. Long Qipaos are often chosen for formal occasions, while shorter styles can be more suitable for semi-formal or casual weddings.

A Guide to Wearing Qipao Dress as A Wedding Guest

2. Does a Wedding Qipao Have to Be Red?

Red is considered an auspicious and symbolic color in Chinese culture, representing love, prosperity, and good luck. Many brides choose red Qipaos for their weddings as it is believed to bring blessings to the union.
Variety of Colors:

While red is a popular choice, modern wedding Qipao comes in a variety of colors to accommodate personal preferences and suit different themes. Consider colors such as gold, pink, or even pastels for a contemporary twist while still honoring the cultural significance.
Cultural Flexibility:

Cultural attitudes toward wedding attire have evolved, allowing for flexibility in color choices. Some brides may opt for traditional red, while others embrace a more personalized palette. As a wedding guest, it’s advisable to choose a color that complements the wedding theme while respecting cultural traditions.

3. How to Choose a Wedding Cheongsam

The wedding theme can guide your choice of a wedding Cheongsam. If the wedding has a specific theme or color scheme, choose a Qipao that aligns harmoniously with the overall aesthetic.

Consider the season when selecting a wedding Cheongsam. Lighter fabrics and shorter styles are suitable for spring and summer weddings, while richer fabrics and longer sleeves may be preferred for fall and winter celebrations.

Choose a wedding Cheongsam that aligns with your personal style and complements your body shape. Qipaos are available in various cuts and designs, allowing you to find a flattering and comfortable option for the celebration.

4. Traditional Chinese Bridal Attire

Chinese brides often choose a Qipao or a traditional two-piece outfit known as a “Kwa” for their wedding day. The Qipao is worn during the ceremony, while the Kwa is typically worn for the tea ceremony and other formalities.

The choice of a Qipao or Kwa by the bride is laden with cultural symbolism. The garments often feature intricate embroidery symbolizing good fortune, prosperity, and a harmonious union.

Chinese weddings are rich in customs and traditions. Understanding the significance of each ritual, such as the tea ceremony or the exchange of gifts, adds depth to the experience of attending a Chinese wedding as a guest.

5. Qipao Etiquette for Wedding Guests

When wearing a Qipao as a wedding guest, it’s crucial to respect cultural traditions. Be mindful of the symbolic significance of the attire and conduct yourself with cultural sensitivity.

While it’s acceptable to choose an elegant and beautifully crafted Qipao, avoid styles that are overly opulent or resemble bridal attire. It’s essential to let the bride take center stage on her special day.

If you’re attending the wedding with a plus-one, consider coordinating your outfits to create a harmonious look. This can involve choosing complementary colors or styles that enhance the overall aesthetic of the couple’s celebration.


Wearing a Qipao as a wedding guest is a delightful way to embrace the beauty of Chinese culture and tradition. Whether you choose a traditional red Qipao or opt for a contemporary color palette, the key is to do so with cultural sensitivity and respect. As you navigate the intricacies of choosing a wedding Cheongsam and attending a Chinese wedding, remember that the essence lies in celebrating love, cultural richness, and the joyous union of two individuals. With thoughtful consideration and a touch of elegance, you can confidently don a Qipao as a wedding guest, adding a touch of grace to the auspicious occasion.

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