5 loose fitting hanfu dress for women

5 Loose Fitting Hanfu Dress for Women

The Han Chinese clothing hanfu is generally made of loose fabrics depicting the different dynasties. Even though it is possible to find more suitable options, some even with straight skirts, the majority are loose fitting and are the most popular in the hanfu community. So, what exactly makes loose designs more popular?

5 loose fitting hanfu dress for women

They are easy to wear. The loose hanfu design makes the dresses easy to wear. This is because they have bigger allowances; hence putting them on even with delicate hairstyles is easy. Hanfu designs are generally easy to wear, with most coming with tie or button closures. When buying a hanfu, you should go for something you can wear alone without requiring help; the loose ones are perfect.

They are airy. The wide allowances allow proper air circulation all over your body. This means that even when wearing the hanfu on hot days, you will manage to stay sweat-free and cool. Tight-fitting clothing can be uncomfortable, especially during hot days, and can leave you hot and breathless. Wear your loose hanfu in summer, and you will still be good.

They are easy to walk in. Again, with loose skirts, walking is very comfortable. Even though the amount of fabric on the dress and the length can also affect this, the wider allowances will make it possible for you to even run comfortably in your hanfu.

They conform to all body types. Hanfu can be designed to slim fit or plus size. However, one of the best ways to find the perfect one for you when not sure about the sizing is to go for the loose designs. The good thing about loose hanfu dresses is that they look okay, even on petite figures, and just as good on curvier figures. If you have no time to peruse through options suitable for your body type, settle for a loose dress, and you will be sorted and ready to go.

They are comfortable. Loose-fitting hanfu dresses are very comfortable to sit in, work in, and even run errands. However rigorous your chores, you will have an easy time. It is, however, important to remember that comfort is also determined by the fabrics your hanfu is made from and how cumbersome they are. With the right considerations, you should easily choose something suitable for your intentions.

Comfort greatly affects how you carry yourself and how confident you feel in your hanfu. You want, therefore, to choose a dress or set you will love wearing and feel confident in. The inner you will be reflected on the outer you; if you are unsure or comfortable with your hanfu, it will show. Loose hanfu options are numerous; below are some you can select from.

1. Dark Green Hanfu

5 loose fitting hanfu dress for women

This coat is in deep green with stunning crane and flower embroideries. The red-crested cranes are on the back of the coat, whereas the flowers are beautifully done on the wide sleeves. The low rectangular neck leaves you with plenty of options with your outfit top and accessories. The mid-thigh length also allows you to play around with the bottom garment. This coat will work wonders if you are looking for a simple and stylish way to incorporate hanfu into your daily outfits.

2. Elegant Qixiong Hanfu

5 loose fitting hanfu dress for women

The skirt is a bright orange, matched with a white floral printed top. The chest skirt is comfortable and drapes amazingly well, leaving you cool and comfortable. You will also notice how light the top garment is; the sleeves are loose but straight to achieve the same level of comfort. Try dancing in this loose hanfu, and you will love how the fabrics follow your rhythm cheerfully.

3. Chiffon Hanfu

5 loose fitting hanfu dress for women

It is a green chiffon dress with princess drapery. The one-piece dress has a sweetheart strapless design cinched at the waist with a sash belt. The set is then completed by the plain wide-sleeve overcoat, covering up the dress stylishly. The embroidery on the chest is designed following the sweetheart shape of the top and creates a stunning break from the solid green color. If simple elegance is your style, this hanfu is for you.

4. Wedding Hanfu

5 loose fitting hanfu dress for women

Looking for a unique wedding, prom, or party hanfu? You will love the Chinese elements and the mixed colors on this one. It is a loose bridal hanfu with patterns, long sleeves, and full length. This one has a vintage appeal to it but remains fashionable. The most outstanding decorative details are the huge flowers and cranes, which give it that authentic Chinese feel considering flowers and birds are some of China’s most popular symbolic elements. The satin fabric gives it airiness and lightness, translating into superior comfort for the wearer. This cross-collar loose hanfu is suitable for summer, spring, and autumn when temperatures require light clothing.

5. Spring Hanfu

5 loose fitting hanfu dress for women

The deer print with flowered antler is outstanding. Landscape and other patterns are also featured on this pale blue hanfu. You would expect it to be too busy to the eye with so many details, but interestingly it is stunning and pleasant. The inner top is left white, serving as a break from all the patterns in a very stylish manner. The white top also attracts the eye to the face of the wearer amidst all the patterns and colors.

The most important thing to consider when buying a hanfu is the design. A design that accentuates your body will boost your confidence remarkably. When you love how you look, your confidence will ooze. Next should be the fabrics; the more comfortable they are, the better. Still, on fabric, consider the season and its demands. Some dresses are suitable for summer, whereas some will only need an additional warm cloak to suit winter demands. A wardrobe with a little of everything will come in handy, especially if you love showcasing Chinese culture all through the seasons.

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