2024 the Tianjin 5th Qipao Cultural Festival

2024 the Tianjin 5th Qipao Cultural Festival

The 5th Qipao Cultural Festival, one of the main events of the inaugural 2024 Tianjin Chinese Clothing Cultural Month, kicked off with a grand opening ceremony at the Tianjin Garden Hotel of the National Convention and Exhibition Center on May 19th.

The festival, guided by the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission, Tianjin Municipal Commerce Bureau, Tianjin Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, Communist Youth League Tianjin Municipal Committee, Tianjin Women’s Federation, and the Management Committee of Tianjin Haihe Education Park, is jointly organized by the Tianjin Etiquette Industry Association, Tianjin Commerce Vocational College, and Tianjin Consumption and Circulation Promotion Association.

The opening ceremony was attended by distinguished guests, including Xin Shaohong, the second-level inspector of the Tianjin Municipal Commerce Bureau, Wu Chunping, the vice president of Tianjin Commerce Vocational College, and Xu Fengcheng, the honorary president of the Tianjin Consumption and Circulation Promotion Association. In his speech, Wu Chunping highlighted the successful history of the Qipao Cultural Festival, which has been successfully held four times since 2018 by the Tianjin Etiquette Industry Association.

As one of the themed activities of the inaugural 2024 Tianjin Chinese Clothing Cultural Month, the 5th edition of the festival promises to introduce more innovative cultural activities, promoting the inheritance and innovation of Chinese clothing culture and showcasing the rich and colorful charm of traditional Chinese attire combined with modern fashion.

2024 the Tianjin 5th Qipao Cultural Festival

Shang Xiaohua, the president of the Tianjin Etiquette Industry Association, announced a series of activities for this year’s Qipao Cultural Festival, including:

1. Themed salon activities

Chinese Clothing Star – Summit Forum on the Charm of Qipao Culture and the Value of Business Etiquette

2. Large-scale exhibitions and performances

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Century-old Chinese Clothing Rare, Precious, and Collected Items Exhibition and the 1st Tianjin Chinese Clothing Celebrity, Famous Products, Famous Stores, and Famous Brands Exhibition

3. Brand release activities

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Chinese Clothing Famous and High-quality Brand Exhibition and Traditional Clothing Production Technique Demonstration

4. Cultural tourism activities

Chinese Clothing Famous Models in Charge – 1st Tianjin Chinese Clothing Famous Model Invitation Tournament and Chinese Clothing Famous Model Dazzling Tianjin City Scenic Spot Tour Exhibition Series

5. International exchange activities

Charming Chinese Clothing – Asian Three Countries Chinese Clothing Boutique Exhibition and Overseas Chinese Clothing Culture Inheritance Experience Exchange Series

The Tianjin Tea Industry Association presented a soul-soothing and body-pleasing tea art performance, with the special committee director Zhou Guozhong introducing Rongxian Flower Tea from Sichuan Province.

Children, young students, middle-aged and elderly individuals, and foreign friends from various organizations, including the Tianjin Etiquette Industry Association and Tianjin Commerce Vocational College, dressed in stunning qipao, hanfu, and ethnic clothing, presented a rich and colorful cultural feast through their performances.

The organizing committee of this Qipao Cultural Festival sincerely invites various group organizations, colleges and universities, social groups, related enterprises and institutions, as well as industry elites and qipao culture enthusiasts to actively register and participate. It is believed that this Qipao Cultural Festival will undoubtedly showcase the beautiful elegance of qipao beauties, display the charm of Tianjin as a metropolis, and make its due contribution to inheriting Chinese clothing culture and establishing the Tianjin brand.

The 5th Qipao Cultural Festival is not only a celebration of the timeless elegance and charm of the qipao but also a testament to the enduring spirit of Chinese cultural heritage. The qipao, a traditional Chinese dress that originated in the 1920s, has become an iconic symbol of Chinese fashion and culture, captivating people around the world with its unique blend of elegance, sophistication, and femininity.

2024 the Tianjin 5th Qipao Cultural Festival

The festival’s diverse range of activities, from themed salons and exhibitions to cultural tourism and international exchanges, highlights the organizers’ commitment to promoting and preserving the rich history and cultural significance of the qipao. By bringing together experts, enthusiasts, and practitioners from various fields, the festival creates a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and innovation, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Chinese clothing culture.

The themed salon activities, such as the summit forum on the charm of qipao culture and the value of business etiquette, provide a space for intellectual discourse and knowledge sharing. Experts and scholars can delve into the historical, cultural, and social aspects of the qipao, exploring its evolution and relevance in contemporary society. These discussions not only contribute to the academic understanding of the qipao but also shed light on its potential applications in various fields, such as business, diplomacy, and international relations.

The exhibitions and performances, showcasing rare and precious Chinese clothing items from Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei, offer a visual feast for attendees, allowing them to appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship and artistic beauty of traditional Chinese attire. The displays of famous and high-quality Chinese clothing brands and the demonstration of traditional clothing production techniques further emphasize the importance of preserving and promoting the intangible cultural heritage associated with the qipao and other Chinese clothing styles.

The cultural tourism activities, such as the Chinese Clothing Famous Model Invitation Tournament and the Dazzling Tianjin City Scenic Spot Tour Exhibition Series, provide a unique opportunity for participants to experience the charm of the qipao in various settings, from the catwalk to the city’s iconic landmarks. These events not only showcase the versatility and adaptability of the qipao but also promote Tianjin as a vibrant and culturally rich destination, attracting visitors from around the world.

The international exchange activities, featuring the Asian Three Countries Chinese Clothing Boutique Exhibition and the Overseas Chinese Clothing Culture Inheritance Experience Exchange Series, underscore the global appeal and influence of Chinese clothing culture. By engaging with international participants and sharing experiences and best practices in preserving and promoting Chinese clothing culture overseas, the festival contributes to the global dialogue on cultural heritage and fosters mutual understanding and appreciation among different cultures.

As the 5th Qipao Cultural Festival unfolds, it is clear that the event is more than just a celebration of a particular style of dress. It is a testament to the enduring power of cultural heritage, the importance of preserving and promoting traditional arts and crafts, and the role of fashion in shaping cultural identity and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Through its diverse range of activities and its commitment to excellence, the festival sets a new standard for cultural events in Tianjin and beyond, leaving a lasting impact on participants and spectators alike.

In conclusion, the 5th Qipao Cultural Festival is a shining example of how a traditional garment can serve as a catalyst for cultural exchange, artistic expression, and social engagement. As the festival continues to grow and evolve, it is sure to play an increasingly important role in promoting Chinese cultural heritage, both within China and around the world, ensuring that the legacy of the qipao and other traditional Chinese clothing styles will continue to inspire and captivate generations to come.

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