The Metamorphosis of Huanglishu Service Area into a Republican-Era Oasis

The Metamorphosis of Huanglishu Service Area into a Republican-Era Oasis

On the morning of May 1st, after two months of meticulous renovation, the Huanglishu Service Area unveiled its long-awaited transformation, much to the delight of eager travelers. The service area, now adorned with the essence of the Republican era, seamlessly blends traditional elements with modern design, creating a captivating fusion of the past and present.

The renovation process involved a thoughtful restructuring of the original architecture, where the traditional “three-person” roof design and closed exterior were reimagined into a more open and inviting space. The building now features the undulating rooflines characteristic of the Hui-style architecture and a continuous Republican-era façade. The abstract extraction of decorative elements from the Republican period adds a touch of nostalgia to the modern glass materials, resulting in a harmonious dialogue between the old and the new, as if transporting visitors back to the “awakening era.”

The typical Republican-era architectural elements, such as green bricks, gray tiles, arched doorways, and stone columns, perfectly integrate with the Jiangnan-style building framework, creating a charming “powder walls and black tiles” aesthetic. As travelers immerse themselves in this environment, they can appreciate the harmonious beauty of the Republican era, where “light and heavy makeup are equally becoming.”

Bidding farewell to the monotony of traditional service areas, Huanglishu Service Area embodies the concept of “beauty beyond the road.” Upon entering the main hall, visitors are greeted by a unique transformation of the original 145 densely arranged columns into distinctive retro arches and a time-space tunnel. This ingenious design not only highlights the artistic beauty of the columns in Republican-era architecture but also seamlessly connects with the starry ceiling design of the public walkway, creating a visually stunning and refreshing spatial effect. It’s as if one has been instantly transported to the streets of old Nanjing.

The Metamorphosis of Huanglishu Service Area into a Republican-Era Oasis

The thoughtfully designed “Republican-style” makeup room caters to the needs of travelers, making it a place they would be reluctant to leave. The upgraded and optimized mother and baby room and the third restroom better accommodate the specific needs of expectant mothers, long-distance drivers, and other special travelers. The expansion of the space has also led to the debut of the “most luxurious hot water room” on the Shanghai-Nanjing line, featuring six step-in fully automatic electric water heaters. The tables, chairs, and decorations have been meticulously redesigned to resemble the style of restaurants from the Republican era, striving to provide travelers with a “clean, beautiful, practical, and convenient” experience.

The Huanglishu Service Area has undergone a complete transformation, with upgraded hardware and a more diverse range of businesses. Centered around the public coffee area, various shops surround it like stars around the moon, allowing travelers to take in all the delicious offerings at a glance. This layout encourages diverse and personalized consumption while effectively separating the flow of customers for dining and restroom use, providing a more flexible and autonomous experience.

Through this upgrade, the service area now boasts 16 business types, with the Food Shangui Restaurant offering over 50 dishes to choose from. Travelers can indulge in popular local specialties such as Sour Seven Sauerkraut Fish, Flavor Clan Road Snacks, Weilu Sanguo Flatbread, Wufangzhai Zongzi, and Shanggu Laomian Beef Noodles. The introduction of Nanjing specialties like Duck Burger Duck Blood Vermicelli Soup and Meiling Congee allows travelers to savor the authentic taste of Nanjing, significantly expanding their culinary options.

Faced with the surging waves of service area upgrades across the country, Ninghu Company has always focused on the “three precisions” quality and adhered to the principle of “not only big but practical.” The renovation and upgrade of service areas, represented by Huanglishu, ultimately aim to return to the essence of service and fulfill social responsibilities. By providing diverse offerings, comfortable environments, and reasonable pricing, the service areas ensure their functionality. The unique internal culture strengthens their core competitiveness, allowing customers to find happiness and a sense of belonging in an open and welcoming space.

The Metamorphosis of Huanglishu Service Area into a Republican-Era Oasis

The transformation of Huanglishu Service Area is not merely a superficial change but a profound reflection of the evolving needs and expectations of modern travelers. By incorporating elements of the Republican era, the service area pays homage to a significant period in Chinese history while catering to the contemporary tastes and preferences of its visitors.

The attention to detail in every aspect of the renovation, from the architectural design to the interior décor, demonstrates a deep understanding of the importance of creating a holistic and immersive experience. The fusion of traditional and modern elements creates a unique atmosphere that transports travelers to a different time and place, offering a momentary escape from the hustle and bustle of their journeys.

Moreover, the expanded range of dining options and the introduction of local specialties showcase a commitment to providing travelers with a diverse and authentic culinary experience. By offering a taste of Nanjing’s famous dishes, the service area not only satisfies hunger but also serves as a cultural ambassador, promoting regional flavors and fostering an appreciation for the rich culinary heritage of China.

The upgraded amenities, such as the luxurious hot water room, the mother and baby room, and the third restroom, demonstrate a genuine concern for the comfort and well-being of all travelers. These thoughtful additions cater to the specific needs of different groups, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a pleasant and convenient experience during their stop at the service area.

Beyond its physical transformation, the Huanglishu Service Area also embodies a shift in mindset and approach towards highway service areas. By prioritizing the essence of service and social responsibility, the Ninghu Company sets a new standard for the industry. The focus on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment, where travelers can find happiness and a sense of belonging, reflects a deep understanding of the emotional and psychological needs of those on the road.

The success of the Huanglishu Service Area’s metamorphosis serves as an inspiration for other service areas across the country. It demonstrates that by embracing innovation, paying attention to detail, and prioritizing the needs of travelers, highway service areas can transcend their utilitarian purpose and become destinations in their own right.

As travelers embark on their journeys along the vast network of Chinese highways, the Huanglishu Service Area stands as a shining example of what is possible when tradition meets modernity, and when service is elevated to an art form. It invites visitors to take a break from their travels, immerse themselves in the charm of a bygone era, and create lasting memories that will endure long after they have reached their destinations.

In the end, the transformation of the Huanglishu Service Area is not just about the physical upgrades or the expanded offerings; it is about creating a space that connects people, cultures, and eras. It is a testament to the power of thoughtful design, authentic experiences, and the unwavering commitment to serving the needs of others. As the Huanglishu Service Area continues to welcome travelers from all walks of life, it stands as a symbol of the enduring spirit of hospitality and the timeless beauty of the Republican era, forever etched in the memories of those who pass through its doors.

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